Soulmate or Cell Mate…which are you?
Take Jackie’s Love Quiz and find out!

Soulmate or Cell Mate by Jackie Woods
You just had a fight with your partner and lost your temper. To make amends, you:
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Your partner gave you carnations for your birthday; you asked for roses. You:
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In considering the future with your partner, you decide:
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Your partner loves active play and you like quieter types of play. You:
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Your partner just got passed over for a promotion. You had a bad day too. You:
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Your neighbor's television has been disturbing your sleep. You:
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Your partner talks about past relationships; you get uncomfortable. You:
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Sometimes you think about life without your partner around. You'd:
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Your partner would like more passion during sex, and you'd prefer more tenderness. To compromise, you:
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Your partner's parents are coming for a visit. To prepare, you:
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