Hello – I’m Jackie Woods
Because I was blessed with a strong gift of intuition, my spiritual journey began at a very early age. Even though my mother told me to keep my gift a secret, I wasn’t stopped from recognizing in others what was heartfully expressed and what was hidden beneath trained responses. This ability to love the real and not be stopped by the unreal allowed me to care about people who aren’t always seen as lovable. The rewards of this expanded love awareness were extremely satisfying.
Thus, it was from this beginning that I grew the desire to help others develop an expanded ability to share love. I have spent the past 30+ years doing just that. In fact, at one point I had a three-year waiting list for my private energy sessions. I was working myself to the bone. It took a bad car accident to awaken me to the fact that I didn’t have to limit my work to one-on-one sessions, but I could teach groups of people how to move out of empty patterns and birth ones expressed from love.
So in 1990, I started teaching classes, conducting workshops, and doing recordings with the intent of teaching people how to access their ability to recognize what specific heart quality their Divine Self was asking to express through words, feelings, and actions. The result of this long-ago step has been tremendous. Thousands of lives have been enhanced as students stepped onto their spiritual growth path. Lives have been changed from ordinary to extraordinary.
Then in 1997, I moved from Atlanta, GA to Columbus, NC and started the Adawehi Community. It is still alive and well, as a diverse group of people go about normal everyday lives with a not-so-normal intent to live heartfully. I have become a firm believer in the power of synergy support in healing wounds and anchoring one’s essence. It is this belief that initiated my offering my teachings to an even wider audience through the Internet. I would be honored if you too would let me join you on your spiritual journey.
A Word…about Words
Over the years, I have found the need to become innovative with words in order to move people from Point A to Point B. For instance, I might interchange the use of “heart energies” with “heart qualities.” I might describe a “heartful physical act” as an “anchoring” or “empowerment.” And I often summarize heart qualities such as Kindness, Forgiveness, and Compassion under the heading of Love. In other words, don’t get stumped by a creative interchange of words when you listen to my teachings.
To introduce you to my teachings, I invite you to read my articles at The Heart’s Journey and listen to my radio shows at Heart Matters Radio.
Warmly, Jackie Woods