

“Takes away the judgment or guilt by wiping the slate clean.”

-Jackie Woods


During the week of Forgiveness

  • Focus

    Include the energy of FORGIVENESS in your meditations.

  • Join

    Join us virtually on Wednesday at 6:00pm ET for a FORGIVENESS – World Healing Meditation.

  • Bring

    Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself, then tear it up and throw it away.


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What is a Heart Energy?

by Jackie Woods

I am sure all of you have experienced those wonderful “heart moments.” Those times when you feel nothing can harm you, when nothing is beyond your reach. It is in those moments that you can forgive, accept, and reconcile. A ‘heart moment’ happens when you have absolute clarity about what is going on inside of you and around you.

Being in a heart space simply means you are allowing one of the qualities of the heart (or heart energy) to be present in you. All the qualities of the heart are available to you, but not all are claimed. For instance, Patience is a quality of the heart that is often times claimed by mothers. To be a good friend you need to claim such heart qualities as Kindness, Gentleness, Clarity, and sometimes you may even need Strength. The list of heart qualities is almost endless.

The purpose of our life here on earth is to claim these heart energies as our own. They are our birthright, our gifts from God. Once we claim them, we can empower them through expression.

from Journey to Ultimate Spirituality

Partial list of Heart Energies:

Abundance Continuity Focus Light Relaxation
Acceptance Courage Forgiveness Love Release
Adventure Creativity Freedom Loyalty Responsibility
Affection Dedication Generosity Mission Sacredness
Awareness Delight Gentleness Nurturing Sharing
Balance Determination Grace Obedience Simplicity
Beauty Devotion Gratitude Oneness Spontaneity
Birth Discernment Growth Openness Strength
Brotherhood Diversity Harmony Order Support
Care Education Healing Organization Surrender
Celebration Efficiency Health Partnership Synergy
Clarity Endurance Honesty Passion Synthesis
Cleansing Enthusiasm Honor Patience Tenderness
Comfort Equality Humility Peace Transformation
Commitment Expansion Humor Persistence Trust
Communication Expectancy Inspiration Play Truth
Community Faith Integrity Power Understanding
Compassion Flexibility Joy Purification Unity
Completion Flow Kindness Purity Willingness
Connection Forgiveness Loyalty Purpose Wisdom