by Jackie Woods
What you see is not always what you get. People have learned how to finesse their dark spots. Instead of owning they are feeling selfish, insecure, or aggressive, which if we are honest we all feel sometimes, we create a mirage.
I watch scared people act anywhere from brave to brazen. Even though it is a cover-up, people will buy it because they are also in cover-up. The only way to see through the mirage of words thrown at us daily is to come out of hiding. That means we need to own what we are feeling and then look at what programming generated that feeling.
Then what? Many of you know where your unhealthy patterns came from, but are maybe a little shaky on how to step away from them. Discernment is the supportive tool you need. For it is by discerning that the Spirit in you is separate from the patterns handed to you that will help you escape the feelings of selfishness, insecurity, or angry aggression.
When I was growing up my label was “shy.” But I didn’t feel afraid of people. I just didn’t understand them. The words I heard from most people felt like plastic. They were either acceptable and well-rehearsed or erratic and frowned upon words. But either way, they didn’t usually reveal the person my heart told me they were.
Once I reached high school, my unconscious mind had taken in enough programming from the “plastics” to be able to play their game. And the more I played it, the further I got from being able to discern the truth from the untruth about who they were. And the less discernment I held about them, the less I had about me.
I was well into my first marriage when I realized I had lost myself to my programming. At that point, Archangel Michael came to me and said it was time to wake up to who I am and why I am here in this life. It is time to use discernment in every situation to tell what is real and what is unreal.
The discernment key is to ask yourself before you speak, “What am I feeling?” Only negative feelings are attached to your programming. Love feelings come from your heart and are always accompanied by sensations of kindness and generosity.
Lovely message, thanks for sharing.
Much love
Cairn, Thank you for increasing discernment in the world.–Jackie