Adawehi Wellness Village
I founded the Adawehi Wellness Village in 1998 with a group of dedicated people who all share the desire to make a difference. Our intent was and still is to heartfully empower people so they can have extraordinary lives. To accomplish this, we encourage each other to fully claim the heart energies we most love to share. This inner mindfulness helps us focus on what we want to bring to community, as well as help in discerning the heart gifts others are offering. Thus, one of the main benefits of living in the Adawehi Wellness Village is to receive an expanded awareness of what is real and what is not.
Community Support
The experience of a whole group of people expressing heartfully together is amazing. Both your worth and your accomplishments get expanded as you join with others in the creative process. The whole community has worked to build, maintain, and grow a beautiful physical space where folks can feel safe enough to claim ownership of their body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It is a place where people are supported in becoming whole. Over the years, Adawehi has grown to include 10 community houses, a healing center, conference center, three shops, health food store, exercise facility and bed and breakfast.
The Diversity of Community
Here at Adawehi, we not only see diversity as a benefit but as a necessity. Without the wide range in age, background, and experience that we cover, our interactive learning would suffer. Our diversity has been one of our main teachers in seeing the necessity of interacting with a heart-energy. It is this kind of intentional interfacing that makes it possible to see beyond others’ annoying patterns and see their inner value.
Health & Healing
From the first, we recognized the benefits of offering health and healing for whichever part of a person that was in need of its benefits. Whether someone comes in search of health and healing for their body, mind, spirit, and/or emotions, we can recommend and provide a plan of action. In fact our physical beginnings came in the form of a Healing Center. This emphasis on health and healing has been a priority focus not only for community members but for anyone who has a desire to change.
The Adawehi Campus
The beauty of our 125 acre campus has been another valuable benefit in maintaining health and promoting healing in our community. Nestled in the foothills of the Western North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains, we are a haven of common and rare plant species. We have a balance of natural and manicured gardens including our Stewardship Forest – where there are walking trails lined with ferns, azaleas, hazelnuts, birches, and a variety of wildflowers and herbs.
Synergy at Work
Last but not least, we at Adawehi feel we are benefiting the world by synergizing our heart gifts through family living and group efforts. Our intent is to experience the richness and authenticity of life together. We learn to pierce through the personality and preference differences and unite where our hearts can sing together. There is a freedom and power in learning to live with each other in this way. A freedom that makes our lives extraordinary and a Power that can truly heal the world.
Please visit the Adawehi website to learn more about our campus and our holistic healing practitioners.
Warmly, Jackie Woods