The Power of the Now

by Jackie Woods

Our minds think in terms of the past, present, and future. If we have a wound in the past, we probably hope for a different future. If we fear the future, it is perhaps a feeling extension of an unpleasant past. But what if we could change the past and the future with the power of the now?

Many years ago, I was in a terrible car accident. Doctors told me I would never work or walk again. Thankfully I didn’t believe them, but it did cause me to look at my life. I looked at who I had been and who I wanted to be and realized that the only thing I had any control over was who I was in the now.

I began to let go of my past and future selves and started claiming the “I Am” of the now. It was by fully claiming that “I am” the Power, the Health, and the Safety expressed in each moment that I began to heal.

Since that car accident many years ago I have tried to maintain a focus on who I am in the now. Of course, I am not always successful, but when I am successful in holding focus on who I am in the now, the power of my “I Am” heals past wounds and projects light into the future.

Every moment of every day the ego will put forth its judgments of what you have done wrong and its comments on what you should do in the future to correct those wrongs. But as I learned, you cannot fix the future by fixing the past nor can you fix the past by changing the future. One is done and gone and the other has not happened. But you can live in the now where the past, the present, and the future all come together as one.

Hopefully, you won’t need to be hit in the head as I was to become aware that becoming all you are in each moment is enough. The power of your true self is strong and beautiful. It can heal the past and create a future that fits you. Living in the now brings everything and everyone into focus. It allows you to share who you are without the ego’s voice overpowering the resonance of your heart.

You are a creator who creates powerfully in the now. You can’t recreate the past or the future. You can forgive the past and make plans for the future. But those things can only be done from the power of the now. So stay focused on the “I Am” each moment of every day and pull the past and the future into the power of the now.

Would you like support in staying focused on the "I Am?"

This recording by Jackie will help!

The Ego Dance by Jackie Woods

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2 replies
  1. Brandy Ware
    Brandy Ware says:

    Thank you for this message Jackie!
    Practicing the power of now/who I am now has helped me overcome anxiety. It was interesting to me to feel the skill grow. At first I thought it was only used in times where I could feel my anxiety rising for apparently no reason. It took some time for the practice to work but then my body created a muscle memory of sorts. I feel like I can flex my right now-ness in many situations.
    I’m especially grateful for the skill since just 2 weeks ago my mother had a major surgery where they discovered stage 4 cancer. Her and I are very close. We are definitely staying aware of the now. Not trying to worry about the future or be mad at the past. The here and now is all we all have. ❤️

    • Jackie Woods
      Jackie Woods says:

      Yeah Brandy! 
      I loved your statement that you are learning to practice your right now-ness. 
      Bless you, Jackie


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