Making Use of Your Free Will

by Jackie Woods

We have free will. This means we can choose to live from the lower three chakras (or energy centers) that house our human self or the upper three, which house our divine self. It is all a matter of choice. However, we are oftentimes so locked into the identity programmed into our lower desires, lower mind, and limited physical power that we fail to realize that we are so much more.

To choose the higher love, wisdom, and power of the three top chakras, we must recognize a choice exists and actualize our free will to choose it. For example, I have a student who used to continually wail that he never had enough money. I kept assuring him that he has, stored in his higher vibrations, as much abundance as he needs. It is just waiting there for him to claim it. So one day this truth soaked in. He had started his usual rant that he worked hard but still never had enough money when he stopped and changed his intent from lack to abundance. After saying to himself, “I have abundance waiting to be claimed” he was able to draw in two new jobs.

He had the free will to choose his family programming of lack or the perfection of his creation. Our perfection will not look the same as someone else’s but it will be perfect for what we need to learn and love in this lifetime. When our choice is to embrace all the qualities given to us in our creation, life will have meaning and flow. The worry and the struggle will go away when we invite our higher vibrations to become part of our lives.

However, there is a universal rule that must be followed for the heart chakra door to open and the vibrations of the upper three chakras to flow into the lower three. You must leave pride and insecurity behind. Those two states of being block the beauty and power of who you were created to be. Pride tells you that you don’t need more love, wisdom, or power than you have. And insecurity tells you that you don’t deserve more love, wisdom, or power than you have. Both lower voices are incorrect.

We all have the free will to choose how to live our lives. We can claim our divine inheritance and include our upper three chakras. Or we can live from the limitation of the lower three. It is a daily choice.

Would you like support in claiming your divine inheritance?

This recording by Jackie will help!

Rediscovering Your Divinity by Jackie Woods

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