Love Your Neighbor as Yourself by Jackie Woods

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself – Workshop


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Learn to do WITH another person instead of just FOR them!

This 1/2 day workshop is filled with real-world examples that will allow you to experience the remarkable difference between a shared resonance of love and the state of just emotionally feeling good. This material will show you that love is never singular but always unified.

You’ll learn how to

  • keep disagreements from feeling like personal attacks,
  • make clear the relationship between truth and wisdom,
  • and reveal your automatic (but wisdom-blocking) responses that make you see a person or situation as bad.

Most importantly, you will acquire the skill to love someone who is stuck in their programming.  Soon, you will be resonating with other people instead of just doing physical tasks together – even if you can’t reach agreement. The discussions in this workshop will guide you to regular spiritual practices to quiet your lower chakras so you can listen for the presence of love, wisdom, and power.

Listen to an Excerpt

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